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Met Police researching second Kevin Spacey sex strike guarantee

Met Police researching second Kevin Spacey sex strike guarantee 

Scotland Yard is investigating two cases of strike made against Kevin Spacey, with both claimed to have occurred in Lambeth.

Met Police are investigating two cases made against Hollywood performing artist Kevin Spacey

Met Police are investigating two cases made against Hollywood performing artist Kevin Spacey

Police in the UK are examining a moment affirmed rape by performing artist Kevin Spacey, going back to 2005.

Met Police officers say they are investigating a claim that a man sexually ambushed another man in the London ward of Lambeth.

The power is as of now exploring a claim of rape made against Spacey which purportedly occurred in a similar territory in 2008.

A representative did not recognize the claimed aggressor but rather affirmed the most recent affirmation, made on Friday, concerned a similar man.

"It is claimed a man attacked another man (Victim 1) in 2008 in Lambeth," the power said in an announcement.

"On Friday November 17 a further claim was made about a similar man. The assertions are of rapes against a man (Victim 2) in 2005 in Lambeth.

"Officers from the youngster mishandle and sexual offenses summon are examining."

The Old Vic says more than 20 individuals have whined about Stacey

It comes after London's Old Vic theater, where Spacey was masterful chief from 2004 to 2015, said it had gotten 20 objections of improper conduct by the Hollywood on-screen character.

It isn't evident whether the examination propelled by Scotland Yard is an aftereffect of the Old Vic's report.

The primary assertion against Spacey was made by performer Anthony Rapp, who blamed him for rape.

Spacey said he did "not recall the experience" but rather offered "the sincerest expression of remorse" on the off chance that it had occurred.

He has not been accused of any wrongdoing.

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