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Nobel literature academy shaken by #MeToo sex scandal wave

Nobel literature academy shaken by #MeToo sex scandal wave
STOCKHOLM: The Swedish Academy, which grants the Nobel Literature Prize, has been shaken by a sex embarrassment as a few individuals, their spouses and little girls charged a powerful individual with close connections to the esteemed organization of attack. 

The #MeToo wave uncovering sexual offense which started in Hollywood has shaken imaginative, media and political circles in Sweden, a standout amongst the most sex measure up to nations on the planet, as a huge number of ladies have talked up and crusaded against provocation. 
Sweden's renowned scholarly scene was drawn into the shred on Tuesday when daily paper of reference Dagens Nyheter distributed the declaration of 18 ladies guaranteeing to have been ambushed or assaulted by a standout amongst the most powerful figures in Stockholm's social scene. 
The charged man's name has not been distributed in the media because of Swedish laws on the assumption of guiltlessness. Yet, his personality is for the most part referred to by the general population as he is a prominent individual in social circles and his name has showed up in online visit gatherings talking about the issue. 
The man did not react to AFP's ask for a remark, however he revealed to Dagens Nyheter he was pure. 
Hitched to an essayist with "close connects to the Swedish Academy", the man runs a social club displaying shows, readings and exhibitions by both the social world class and hopefuls - including Nobel writing laureates - and named by some as "the Academy's lounge room". 
The club was somewhat supported by the Academy. 
'Everybody has constantly known' 
The affirmed rapes happened in the vicinity of 1996 and 2017, some of them in the club's premises, as per Dagens Nyheter. 
A few ladies talked transparently, enabling the daily paper to uncover their personalities, and their stories were confirmed by observers, the paper said. 
One of them cases to have been assaulted in a condo in a luxurious Stockholm neighborhood. 
"Everybody knows and everybody has constantly known," that he was assaulting young ladies, she says. 
The ladies said they stayed quiet out of dread of endangering their professions due to the man's associations and close relations with driving distributers, makers, chiefs and authors. 
After an "emergency meeting" on Thursday evening, the Swedish Academy reported that it was cutting all ties with the blamed, whom it had financed and permitted to deal with a loft it possesses in an upscale Paris neighborhood. 
The Academy said in an announcement that amid the meeting, "it rose that individuals from the Academy, little girls of Academy individuals, spouses of Academy individuals and staff of the Academy have encountered undesirable closeness or unseemly conduct" by the man. 
The conspicuous foundation said it would dispatch an interior request to see whether the man "has had any immediate or roundabout impact on the Academy's prizes, grants, and fundings of any sort". 
Culture Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke said she lamented regarding him with the 2015 Order of The Polar Star, granted to individuals from the Swedish imperial family and nonnatives for administrations to Sweden.

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